Question for those familiar with 3d printing



24 Nov 2008
This is a question for those that have dealt with 3d printing and can give a first hand opinion.

I wanted to have a sculpture done of a toy train for personal reasons (it's a roughly 25x8x6 in dimensions).

I asked some sculptors for quotes to do it in stone or marble and the quotes I've got back started from £2k.

So, I'm wondering if I could just hire someone to do the 2d->3d cad conversion so that I get the 3d file, and then use one of those websites where you upload your 3d model and they print it out for you.

My question is whether the 3d printout could be made to have the look of a stone or marble finish, whether that would be directly done through the 3d printing or through some other post-processing artistic way.

My whole point is to have a stone/marble-looking copy of the toy, not just a plastic one, because I could just use the toy itself anyway if that was the case.

Also, can 3d printers print a toy train (think thomas the tank engine) with accuracy and precision or will it be a problem due to the level of detail it has?

thanks for any responses.



24 Nov 2008
3d printers could print you a rolling version of your train. Admittedly it would have to be pushalong but it would be accurate in just about every detail. Valve gear might be a wee bit tricky though. Once it's made, to get an authentic stone look to it, you could get it painted to look like whatever stone effect you want. Might cost a few quid but nowhere near £2k.
Many small model railway manufacturers are now using 3d printing to turn out models and components for kits. What loco is it? I'm guessing it has sentimental value?

I don't need it to move at all, it will be used as a memorial. It will be Thomas the Tank engine, just the loco, on a bit of track about 40cm (the track, the loco is much shorter I believe).

But what are the units?
It will affect the price a lot and determine who will be able to do it.

How do you mean units? I'm sorry, I'm not familiar. It's just the locomotive and a piece of track.

Essentially I wanted a replica of Thomas on a piece of track, but perhaps a bit bigger in scale and on marble or stone. Since that is way too expensive I'm trying to see if it could be done in 3d printing. My idea so far is:

a) Get a CAD person to do the 3d digital model
b) Upload it to one of those print-3d services
c) Get the 3d print out and get someone to paint it or maybe paint it myself, not sure how difficult it would be.

I am just unsure how feasible it is to print something that looks complex, as I'm unsure about the capabilities of 3d printers. But from your comments it looks like a real possibility.



24 Nov 2008
thank you all for your most helpful replies.

I can see that it is much more complex (and given what I had in mind for a stone/marble look rather unfeasible).

It's really useful to know all that, but my biggest worry is that the item will have to be outside and suffer all the elements for years, therefore the 3d print is not a great candidate.

thanks again.
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