Question for you racing sim nuts

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
I've decided to get the Playseat Challenger due to storage space and convenience. I now need to invest in a wheel.

My friend who is a bit of a sim nut suggested the G27, what are your suggestions?

I normally do fully automatic or at least sequential gear changes with the 360 controller. Latest game is Dirt Rally for racing, love asseto corsa but sadly it just isn't great with a 360 controller.

Same goes for the F1 games, whilst pretty arcady, they are just a lot better with a wheel.

In terms of budget, the G27 is pretty much my max.
Bought a second hand g25 around 5 years ago after owning a dfp for a few years. Having a wheel just makes these games really come alive, you'll wonder why you didn't get one earlier.
After having the g25 for so long the only thing I would criticise is the gears shift is sloppy, something that was fixed with the g27. Great wheel's for the money and best all round package with logitechs customer support.
Ah, good call on the gear shifter, I'm a petrol head and often love slamming through the gears in my car and bike. So, if it's an improvement on an already good wheel set, then that's good news.

As for the brake pedal. I saw a 'mod' spring for it to turn it from a linear feel to a more stiff feel at the end? Something that's vital? Also, the gear shifter, silly question, can it go on the left hand side as well as the right?
I started out with a G27, I think for the money there is nothing better and it will serve you well.

You should be able to have the shifter either side, I'd highly recommend the GTEYE spring mod for the brake (eBay) then put the previous brake spring in the clutch & the clutch spring to the accelerator. There are also some ingenious ways you can use elastic bands to make the shifter behave as a sequential would.

A bodnar cable will give the pedals 4x the resolution and is only about £15 if you feel like more fine control would benefit you.

I upgraded mine bit by bit so you also have the option of just upgrading parts of the set if the bug sets in!

Edit, OP said his Max budget is for G27 and there is a bit jump to Fanatec stuff, especially after the recent (big!) price increase.
Sequential on all the wheels I've ever used has been rubbish - only a good shifter has been worth it over just going automatic.

Not that I'd recommend it if your going to spend some proper money on it but after playing with a lot of wheels short of spending a lot of money I never found anything better than the Thrustmaster Ferrari GT "all in one" (3 in 1 + shifter) setup (don't think its available any more).
I just Googled the Playseat Challenger and errr.... It looks extremely flimsy.. It's just a fancy Picnic Deck-Chair with a bar on the front. Your money and all that but when you're using a FFB Wheel they get some serious forces put on them from all directions in the heat of a Race (At least the way I drive they do :p) and that really doesn't look up to the job to me.

Let us know how you get on with it if you do buy it though! :D
Depends on your budget and whether you think you'll actually use it regularly.

A lot of people get a G27, only to be selling it due to lack of use.

Unless you're sure about sim racing then I'd get a secondhand DFGT or similar.
Can't go wrong with a G27. Use a G25 and love it, I'd love something better but the step up in price to get that is huge for how much I'd use it.

Can't say I'd ever looked into the pedal mods either. I've never really found it much of an issue, just got used to it really. Will have to certainly look into the brake mod though. It does sound appealing now I think of it.
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