Question of weight.

29 Jan 2021
Serious question.
Why do most laptop users start being whiny little nerds when it comes to anything over 2kg? And why do they get so offended when you tell then a proper case with a sholder strap or better yet a good backpack makes it a doddle?

On another forum I made to comment in short that if you think a 3kg laptop is unwieldy then there's something wrong with you. You would have thought I walked in at christmas and stole the turkey.

I just don't get it. Especially when it comes to gaming laptops. There were days when a proper gaming laptop at top spec was 5kg. Tech has moved a long way and so has cooling so I get we don't need that much copper for cooling. I just dont get why people insist on comparing high powered gaming laptops to sodding macs. They whine it's too heavy or the fans make noise cause the chips need cooling. Rant over.

But seriously, why to people get butt hurt when you tell them to stop crying over a gaming machine being over 2kg?
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