Question Re: Guildwars codes

5 Jan 2004
I think I might have been done here :(
I just bought a copyof guildwars from the local market, but when I got it home the code-slip had been opened, and after trying to install it it says the code is already in use! So does that mean some bugger bought the game, copied the cds and has sold on a useless pair of disks? Is there anything I can do about this? I have the game, the actual cds and the code afterall..

They dont seem to have any phone numbers. I've given them an email, so here comes the 3-week wait for a reply..
couldnt you just take it back to the supermarket and get a replacement, all you do is have to make a big deal about it but keep cool.
They must have a phone number you could try. Just explain your situation and I'm sure they should be able to do something about it.

Just looked at the GW website and there doesn't seem to be any phone numbers to call :confused:
Yes, they replied :) And want photos of everything plus a retailer name and a receipt. Photos are no problem, but I dont have a receipt as it was a market stall! - I get all my games from there as they're cheaper than play, this is the first time I've had a problem though :(
calnen said:
They dont seem to have any phone numbers. I've given them an email, so here comes the 3-week wait for a reply..

well least its not as bad as waiting over a month for a replacement graphics card and still waiting
Buying off markets/ebay is fine for regular games, but for an online game like GW its asking for trouble.

From what i've heard from people who bought off ebay and ran into this problem, if you don't have the receipt you wont get anything from them, as its not an official retailer, they ended up buying a new copy of the game.

I actually had this problem a few years ago with planetside, i tried to get it sorted from SOE but they were having none of it, so i took it back to GAME and had a replacement within 5 minutes.

Let this be a lesson young padawan ;)
chimaera said:

I didnt realise there would be this much faff over it tbh. It wasnt a planned purchase, just an on-the-spot thing so I didnt look up how the codes worked or anything in advance.
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