Question regarding calendar syncing (K800i related)

6 Nov 2002
London UK
Quick question, I’ve currently got my phone syncing with Outlook 2003 on my home PC and all seems fine, but what I’d like to do is sync it with an additional work PC.

I’d like my work appointments to copy to my phone (so they would end up at home) but I don’t want my personal calendar entries ending up on my work PC.

Is this possible as at the moment the SE sync software only seems to allow me to either do a total device/PC replace or full merge?

And if this can’t be done with the SE software is they anything else that will do this?

You could try floats mobile agent and see if that offers similar functionality. It's your best bet for any SE mobile and anything connectivity related :)
Dolph said:
You could try floats mobile agent and see if that offers similar functionality. It's your best bet for any SE mobile and anything connectivity related :)

Mmmm have to disagree there dolph. Its way to buggy now.

Its been patched up far to many times :o

My phone explorer does the same thing and more.

And is rock solid stable to boot.
Thanks for the recommendations, I'll give both of them a look later. I tried something called mobile master last night that seems to be better than the SE software but still doesn't allow syncing of multiple schedules.
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