Question regarding G-Sync

9 Nov 2014
Hi all,

Just received and set up an ASUS PG279Q and must say, I love it!

I'm wondering about G-Sync though. For example, on Destiny 2 on the highest settings I'll get between 80-100FPS outdoors and 120+ indoors. Because my monitor is capable of 144hz would I benefit from reducing the settings to get a higher framerate, or does having G-Sync mean this would be pointless?

Anything over 100fps is smooth as silk, and the screen will match refresh rate to the output so no screen tearing or anything like that. No need to lower settings, let the monitor do its job :)
Unless you are playing ultra competitively drops to even 80fps shouldn't be too big a deal. If I'm really seriously playing an FPS game online I will drop a lot of settings to hit 120+ FPS as much of time as possible and to get as uncluttered a view as possible but the rest of the time I like to enjoy the visuals.
I don't have Destiny 2 but you could drop some settings to see if you can even see a visual difference.. Sometimes there is a very tiny difference between high and ultra but it drops massive amounts of FPS.
Is it worth overclocking the monitor to 165hz?

Unless you are superman, no. I don't see the point. I have a 144Hz Gsync display and I can't tell when it's above 90. Between 60 and 90 I notice improvement but anything above 90 looks the same to me. you will not notice 21 extra FPS if you are already getting 144.

As far as Destiny goes, I don't hit 144FPS in that game either, and it doesn't need it. It's not a super frantic shooter.

Unlike a regular display that refreshes at 60Hz and those 60Hz are always timed the same, G sync displays refresh when they get a new frame from the GPU, hence no screen tearing.

Gsync is actually beneficial when you have terrible frame rates as well. 45FPS looks pretty bad on a normal display because some frames are being displayed for 2 refreshes and some aren't. On Gsync, that doesn't happen.

BTW possibly stupid add-on here- a lot of people have g sync displays and don't have g sync enabled. You have to have G sync enabled in full screen and windowed mode (NVIDIA control panel) as well as making sure Vsync is always off in game options to have Gsync actually work. Also check your displays OSD while in game to confirm it is in g sync mode.
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