Question regarding test rides

3 Dec 2011
A bit random as im not interested as of yet (happy with my fazer :D)

Is there a minimum age to test ride a new bike, whether it be brand new in a showroom, 2nd hand? Would like to know for near future when i upgrade as i have a wideeeee choice i like!


i'm in the same boat, i think normally it's 25, like with company cars. they might have insurance policies in place for 21years old but there may be restrictions like CC or HP. I'm only guessing.
I test rode a new 600RR at 21 and then my zx10r at 24 years old... shouldn't be a problem tbh.
Depends on the shop. If its a main dealer usually 25 for solo rides or 21 for supervised. That said I rocked up to my local Honda dealer for a test ride of a new cbr600 and they gave me the forms.
I then spotted the 25 year old minimum stipulation. Told them I was 23 and the guy just laughed and said "you're only going round the block aren't you" and tossed me the keys...
Needless to say I had more fun than I would've on a supervised ride...
Most places I've had experience with ask for the rider to be 25 years or older. That said, the same dealer made an exemption for me at 24 to test ride an R1200RT. Also, when my mate asked to test ride an S1000RR he was told no, he's 30 years old and had his licence longer than me lol. I've got a good rep with that dealer mind you, as I bought my Bandit 650 from them when I was 22.
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