Question Time tonight....Total **** Show?

19 Jun 2009
Central Scotland
It's not often I comment on stuff like this. I usually sit in the background and applaud/laugh at/face palm at what each other has said when watching QT. (Most on here would preach the whole thing was prescribed, which to a certain extent, and usually, it is). However, tonight was different. Very different. I usually don't get involved in SC or its discussions; perhaps this is SC worthy, but right now, I don't this post is quite there yet.

Firstly, Fiona Bruce. What a spineless/easily led/useless host/moderator, elevated to that position, I think, more by caricatures portrayed by comedy sketch shows, than actual ability, she is. I genuinely think she has nothing left to offer this program. She does tend to go with the flow more often than not. A good moderator should shoot down all sides as necessary.

Secondly, in an attempt to appear neutral, not by political opinion, but by, 'who's the biggest unpopular ****tard' we can get on here? Oh, I know, Piers Morgan! The beeb or whoever have gone full on stupid. Who in their right mind (pun intended) would want this oxygen thief on their program if they didn't want their reputation to nosedive? Lots on the news today about phone hacking: that would have been an epic topic of conversation directed at Piers.

Lisa Nandy, Labour's voice this evening. A voice that wasn't often heard. So why was she actually there? In the few occasions she spoke, she was shot down straight away. So, for potential switch voters, she achieved the square root of SFA, apart from licking Piers' hoop all night.

Then, the former Chancellor, who was in post for all of 5 minutes, whom nobody remembers the name of, only ever spoke to tell us he was former Chancellor.

Finally, the black guy at the end, who moaned about his kid being arrested, as if it was purely racially motivated, then switched tactics and pleaded for more Police on the street.

So, my interpretations are listed above. What did you make of things GD collective? Tonight, IMO, was a horrible affair. Do you agree, or am I totally wide of the mark?


It was classic to see Zahawi losing it in the first half.
Ah, that's his name. Yes, it was.
I think you’d prefer Judge Judy.
Nah, too left for me, she always let the guilty one off.

So, some mod has decided this thread was better suited to the Music, Box Office, TV and Books section of the forum. Not sure which mod decided this, but I sincerely think this thread is/was better suited to GD and I urge them to reconsider their decision. Thanks.
It's ****ing awful and has been for about a decade or more. Since it got "bought" by the production company that makes it.

It wasn't that good even back in the day. It's always been a right wing **** fest as far as I can remember it, apart from the odd reactionary that got a round of applause.

What's happened to Panorama? I seem to remember they got castrated over their Aaron Banks that was never aired.
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It's been right-wing propaganda for well over a decade now. Full of swivel-eyed nutjobs and plants who will say and ask what the tories and the BBC want. Same way with BBC vox-pops - oh let's pop back to Mansfield again and find some useful idiots who will recite the current tory script, like in the dying days of Blowjob.

"He got us through covid" "Trying his best" "Give him a chance" "I think he's decent bloke" etc etc

Nothing but scripted, pre-concieved propaganda...
I stopped watching when Fiona Bruce felt that the tory on that week couldn't get a word in so started speaking on her behalf.
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