Question to those working in networking

1 Jun 2005
I have a question to anyone here who works with networks in any sort of role in a medium or large sized company. After going to my day school for my OU CCNA course i talked to a few blokes there who are also on the course who have been doing IT and networking for 10 to 20 years some of them, and they talked about how a lot of their IT and networking jobs are being done oversees, putting some of them or their co-workers out of the job.

So my question is, how 'secure' do you feal in your job, do you think your department will be made smaller to cope with the current economic downturn? Also, has their been much opertunities for people trying to get into an IT job where you work, or has your company cut back on hiring new IT staff for low level jobs?

I understand that a lot of you proberly wont want to name your company or anything like that, but some general advice on my questions would be welcome. I am going to continue my ICT degree and my CCNA even if its a terrible time to go into such a field because i enoying working with such technology, but would like to get an idea of just how hard a time i will have once i finish my degree.
Thanks for the replies, it's good to know there are still good jobs out there that are secure.

As for setting up my own stuff at home to get a bit of experience, i do plan on taking advantage of microsoft giving free windows server 2008 to students to put on my old pc to test and such. I know there will be certain things that i wont be able to test though, like the whole domains thing as from limited understanding of the server side of windows, my home PCs (vista home premium) can't join a domain because only the buisness or ultimate versions can join a domain.

I was also thinking of perhaps purchasing some cisco kit off ebay to aid with my CCNA and to get a bit more experience, but i think the day schools that the OU require for my course provide some good hands on experience, as well as providing me with remote access to a real ccna lab when i need it.
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