Question: Who would you like to slap in the face?

10 Nov 2015
Having just seen this footage, I began to wonder who I would like to provide a French style slapping to.

Perhaps the fabled Chinese scientist who may or may not have released Covid into the world?

What about those people who have zero idea about patiently queuing in shops due to one way systems?

*This is referring to a metaphorical slap in the face, not actual bodily contact. I would hate to think that is 15-20 years the news/my employer (if I had one)/the thought police would see this thread starter and think that I was a ragingly violent lunatic...*
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that was a weak slap, more like caressing his face.

don't think I'd wish to slap anyone TBH, I don't think I would get anything out of it that I couldn't get with words.

anyway I'd take that weak slap over an egg to the face.

ahh yea, what a classic

The forum should have a sticky post with these famous old threads, they are part of the history of the forums

"I'm probably 10 years older and both him and his friend looked like rakes - Maybe he wouldn't have said anything if he saw me in the gym 15 minutes earlier on a bag."

Likely my all-time favourite comment.
Fern Britton - but she always looks as if someone has just slapped her in the face anyway.
If it's just a gentle slap to show disapproval then Boris Johnson for acting like Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping for well over a year. I thought he was a liberty loving Briton, all he had to do was shelter the old and vulnerable until they could be vaccinated instead of going full CCP on the entire country. Kids have been at school for months and they're even going after them now.

What's really funny is the remainers who prior to Brexit were calling him a tinpot dictator will defend him now.
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