Questions about Minecraft for single player.

27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
Hi all,

Thought I ask before possibly buying this game. Been watching some youtube video's about minecraft and it looks fun, just wondering if you need to be connected to a populated minecraft server to play it or can you play it as a normal game on your computer ??

Also, seen that there is some mods to it, is any needed to iron out possible bugs etc, or is vanilla version just fine ?

Thank you for any and all inputs, much appreciated ! :)
Thanks for the reply Threepwood !

No, not into the PvP part at all. Just wanted a light game, building some and exploring, sinking an hour here and there when in the mood, from what I seen it seem to be such a game. :) I just wasn't sure if could be played straight on my own PC since everything I found was about multiplayer gaming. :o
You can run some of the mod packs locally without having to build a whole server. FeedTheBeast being one of the better ones to add variety and additional items to the game.

Thanks, had a quick look at this mod but seems a bit to overwhelming to use from the start so just installed Chroma Hills a texture pack to make things look a bit better. :)

I started a game and dug a little mud hole where I started, just to be safe, next to the ocean and what looks a couple caves around. Done some exploring just around the starting point, but decided to find iron before starting to explore further away, so dug down and suddenly come upon a huge cavern system, now got loads of coal (300+) and iron (around 100, even after done iron armour and sword/pick axe) and found 2 gold ores (plus loads of other material after having digged down in the ground). The cavern still not fully explored though ! :eek: Starting to think if I should just leave it or finish exploring it before leaving to explored the surrounding areas. :confused:

It's rather addictive though, starting it up to just do an hour or so and suddenly 3 hours past. :o
Thanks Reaper 392, had a look through those suggestions and think for now the Utility Mods and Adventure/Exploration mods will have to wait, got to start exploring vanilla some first. I'm still at the starting point, exploring a huge cavern, with others in close proximity.

Might install the Iron Chest mod, looks to be convenient to store all the dirt and sand that is starting to pile up for me. :)

Got a question for anyone though: As mentioned I found this huge cavern I still exploring, but shuld I keep doing that or move along ? Is there like hidden teasures to be found in caverns or just rock and minerals ?
If you are lucky you may stumble on a dungeon which will have a mob spawner and 2 chests or an abandoned mineshaft which will have chests scattered about amongst other things but the chance of either spawning are relatively low.

You could keep mining down and see if you can find diamonds (you will need an Iron Pickaxe to mine them) however if I were you I would do stuff like start building a base that you can operate out of (get a bed down so you can sleep through the nights and if you die you will respawn at the point you last slept), get some farms going for food, explore the map more etc. Then you can start looking into the more technical side of things like going to the end, automated farms etc.

Thanks ! Good thing to know that it might be some "treasures" but that they are rare, so will see what I do then.

Yes I have made a little mud hut, with 2 large chests, oven, crafting bench and a bed. That's where I started mining down from, and have another set of chest, over and crafting down at the bottom where I found the cave. Found 2 pcs of gold, loads of Iron, after done armour and worktools with it have a bout 70pcs left. Have some cows and sheeps collected and wheat and some sugar canes done. Basically could say I have a little outpost done where I am right now. Since I am pretty deep, might go to deeper and dig outwards from the cave and see if I strike upon some luck with diamonds etc.

Thanks again ! :)
Thanks for your replies Spuj and montymint, I keep that in mind, especially about the lava being so close to diamonds ! :eek:

If of interest took a couple screenies of the area, although exploration is part of Minecraft I take it, it's rather difficult (for me) to leave stuff behind, especially the caves which not have been fully explored yet. :p

Here is roughly where I started the game, part from all the sugar canes, was only a couple down there.

Where I built what I thought would be my temporarily mud hut, the column ontop was just so I could find my way there after running around a bit in the area.

The inside of the hut, just the basics and to the left is the stairs I dug for my first mine, which didn't end up being much of a mine when I stumbled upon the cave.

Which is right here, at level 38 but it's actually deeper then that, forgot to take a screen of it though. The cave spawns to left and right.

This is the right side of the cave, which I explored and as can be seen, it does go deeper.

Left side, still unexplored though. For all I know it might end just right around the corner. :p

Going back up, as can be seen, it's not quiet as temporarily looking right now though. :o Wanted arrows mostly but ended up picking up some lambs, cows and pigs as well. Although, still not found carrots so can't feed the pigs. :p

Where I am standing in the above picture is where I thought I build a proper little house instead of the mud hut, but then a creeper decided to try and sneak up on me and left this.

Seeing how deep it looked I had to carefully walk down and have a look, ended up even lower then the first cave started, at level 32. Just done a quick run through and it looks like another big cavern, so now have two caves to explore. :p

If this is how the rest of the game is, how do you find time to do any exploration ?!? :p :D :cool: :p

And just to finish it of with a night view, rather dark but does show the 2 lava falls not far from my location.
If anyone has any additional tips I be grateful to hear them. I do think I be exploring those two caves, dig down to level 12ish and see if I can find some diamonds then head out one direction and start exploring some though. :)
Reaper 392 - Thanks, it be one or the other, got to see when I settle down somewhere what I pick. :)

Orcvader - Thanks, didn't know that, I see if I can do that though my Laptop then, since that has Win 10 on it already.

haammit - YUp, it is fun indeed. :D And thanks for the tip, I do have a water bucket with me but not on the hotbar though so will make place for it. :) Still clearing out the caves so not got that far down yet, just doing a bit playing here and there or would done sooner. I'l have a look at the minimap, or I be adventurous and try without to see if I can keep my bearings anyway ! :p

Now, got another question. Can I run Minecraft from both my PC and Laptop, just moving the safe file ? And can it be played without internet connection ?
Please allow me to present this article by english language. I think Minecraft will be right for you, it will give you a highly entertaining and engaging. Have a fun day playing games.
Uhmm ok :confused:

Yes and yes to your last questions, swede.

Instead of FTB which tends to throw everything and the kitchen sink at you, I'd keep it light with the mods to start with. I'd start with maybe forge, which is a needed for just about every other mod out there to function, voxelmap or xaeros minimap and MrCrayFish's furniture mod which adds a load of useful content :)
Thank you ! And yes, had a look at FTB and found it a bit overwhelming for now so didn't use it. Haven't installed any mod yet actually, just the shaders and texture mod for now. This MrCrayFish Furniture mod, just wow ! That guy sure been busy and quiet into details as well, thanks for the suggestion, I be bookmarking his website incase I decided to spice up the house once I build one, not got that far yet. :p

Terraria single player is much better than Minecraft. :D
Had a quick look at it on YouTube and not so sure, but if you like it then that's great! We all like different things in games. :)
Never dig straight up or straight down unless you know what is above or below you - otherwise you may find yourself falling into a pool of lava or dumping 48,000,000 tons of sand on your head (neither of those have a good outcome) :p
Yes, I did figure that out rather quickly. :p

If its a choice between Jabba barrels or Iron Chests then personally I would go for the chests. Barrels can only store one type of item so they are great for storing enough cobble to build an entire castle, but are completely hopeless at everything else. At least with a diamond chest you can store a fairly large amount of a single item as well as lots and lots of different items.

Most likely be the Iron Chests yes, I don't mind mixing the rocks and other material, it's easy to line them up together anyway. :)
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