Questions about TV tuners

4 Aug 2004
In a wheelie bin

I'm looking to use my desktop (spec in sig) as a way of watching TV, the problem is I dont have any slots available inside the pc for a card, so it looks like it's going to be a USB plug in Tuner.

What unit would you lot say I should go for.

I'm looking for good picture quality with some of the following features (if possible)

digital program guide would be nice
HDTV? (not sure if i'd need it)
pinture in/and picture

Any help would be good.

Thank you
I've been looking at this one Here

It seems to have the picture in picture features and also the program guide

does anyone have this tuner? what do you think to it.

Also it says digital is that freeview or is that just the signal type.

Many thanks :D
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