quick C++ question borland/visual C++

1 Dec 2004
Just a quick question really, iv started a c++ module in uni, im using their software (borland C++) in which we use and we create easywin applications.

Iv got visual c++ at home, and if i wanted to create an easywin application how would i go about this using this software? is it just a diff name?
Microsoft Visual C++ (I presume you have version 6? ) will be able to compile and build your borland (ANSI C++) code. You might need to change some of the reference paths to get access to the borland dlls rather than the microsoft ones. Micrsooft visual C++ is very good at building applications that use the resources available on a windows box, this is know an MFC programming (Microsoft foundation Classes) these probably are NOT available at school in your borland enviroment.

so is summary, you should be able to build and run the applciations that you built at school at home but going he other way might be tricky.

if you have any more specific questions just shout.

when I'm writing code to run on multiple platforms I always try to avoid using Visual c++ as it is easy to end up with un portable code. in this case I tend to use eclipse with the c++ plugin and gcc as a compiler. I think borland c++ builder is a free download anyway

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