quick climate prediction question

18 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I've just added climate prediction to by BOINC install and it won't download any work as according to the messages:

No work sent
(there was work but you don't have enough disk space allocated)
Not enough disk space (only 480.2 MB free for BOINC). Review preferences for maximum disk space used.

How much blooming disk space does it want, does anyone know as I'm kind of short on disk space on my lappy?

When i last checked the FAQ on the BBC site, it said 600MB free space is needed.

I suspect more would be needed to give it a little headroom.
For climate prediction.net
Account -> General Preferences.

Disk and memory usage
Use no more than 100 GB disk space
Leave at least 0.1 GB disk space free <--- leaving at least 100mb of disk free.
Use no more than 50% of total disk space <--- possibly relevant based on the total size of your hard disk.
Write to disk at most every 300 seconds
Use no more than 75% of total virtual memory

For the BBC experiment go to My Details then the bottom theres advanced user options link then click your account and under general preferences again.

My BBC experiment is 392.6mb after 1hour 25 mins of processing.
Techie looks at his laptop with a 40Gb hard drive in it and reomves climate prediction from the attached projects :( It was a nice idea but unfortunately I just don't have that kind of disk space free :(

oh well I'll just have to stick with finding Aliens :D

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