Quick Eee PC q's

5 Jun 2007
Just a few quick ones:

1. Can i plug my external HDD in to it?
2. Will i be able to acess youtube ect on it?
3. Will i be able to download a videos on to it?
4. If yes to 3, Does it support most formats?
5. What slots does the card reader have on it?

Thanks very much,

1. Can i plug my external HDD in to it?
Yup it has 3 usb ports so easy to plug in usb HDD

2. Will i be able to acess youtube ect on it?
Yep as long as you can get it in the internet

3. Will i be able to download a videos on to it?

4. If yes to 3, Does it support most formats?
Should support most formats - if not download a new player like vlc etc should work a treat

5. What slots does the card reader have on it?

I have a white one and its so much fun to play with! :D
Im thinking of selling my PSP an other things and getting one, look SOOOOO fun :D

Ill probably run a few big USB pen drives for most things like music ect, not that itll be my main system lolz.

Probably just something to sit in bed on MSN he he.

Can you actually download MSN onto it, rather than that pidgeon thing that i tried to use, but schools network wouldnt allow :( Is it any good anyway?
Pidgen is so much better than MSN Messenger. Seriously :)

Get something like VLC and that will be able to play any format you can think of. If for some reason it won't you can download codecs from the repositories for use with Totem or whiochever media player it comes packed with.

I really want to get one since i've seen Half Life and Far Cry running on the thing! Great when flying.
If i can get a good price for my DS s/h then this could replace it. just don't get time to use my DS with the PC and Wii getting my game time.
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