Quick Far Cry Question

23 Feb 2006
Hi guys i played far cry briefy round a friends ages ago and i wasnt that impressed with it.

anyway i got it free with my graphics card so i thought i would give it another chance and it seems that theres no way to save it??!!?!?!?!

is there a save key???????

or will it only save by the stupid check points because that would be annoying having to get to the next point before you can exit
I've been playing it and not using the quicksave unless I die on the same section more than 6 times.

anyway people Im stuck!!!!


I don't really want look at a walkthrough and spoil it in case I read ahead. lol having said that can someone please tell me where the card key is I'm on the mission where you have to get to volcano lab (the bit after you get booted out of a helicopter with only 10 rounds lol - that bit was BRILLIANT btw!!!)

I have looked EVERYWHERE (that I can think of anyway) where is the key to this darn door?? (can I say Darn in the forums?)

heres a screen dump

Where I'm stuck

Also one more thing, how far am I roughly from the end of the game? I hope I still have a long way to go because i've really enjoyed the ride so far!

guys, guys, guys, pick up far cry and play through it again - you will love it i'm sure! :D

I just finished Far Cry and I can't believe what I've been missing out on these last few years..

Ace of Spades - The keycard was in the place you said - thanks! I'm Sure I looked there though but obviously not lol

Far Cry is great!

did I mention Far Cry is great!? :D
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