Quick heads up - Crystal Quest on XBL Arcade

Boogle said:
Seems pretty good to me, might purchase it :)
I've been playing far too many Arcade games recently :p

I have been experiencing fond arcade memories recently.
In the last week I have had a blast on Captain Commando and Robocop.
I used to be able to complete Robocop on a single credit, get 100% in every shooting stage and now I suck at it.
That Arcade Cabinet is becoming more necessary by the day especially as the limited RAM in the Xbox makes it a bit juddery for such games.
God i'd love an XBLA remake of Athlete Kings or Track & Field with online and everything :cool: finally settle all those sock/bottle top/pen lid/coin arguements and see what is the don of button bashing implements :D
Sagalout said:
hah, Robocop was ace! I loved the FPS bit where you had to shoot the mugger holding the woman :D

Is Captain Commando the same game as Commando?

No captain commando was a side scrolling 1-4 player batter anything that moves game.
My wife and I used to play it in the Chippy after the pub most Friday nights, fond memories of us both being skint, thin and better looking with much more interesting hair colours.
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