Quick help - ASP SQL Querying?

12 Aug 2004
Glasgow, Scotland
Hey, could someone give me a bit of help?

Not really sure on including variables within SQL queries yet and have put the following into my code:

sql_archived_news = "SELECT SectionID, SectionShortDesc, SectionDate FROM tblNews WHERE SectionMain=1 And "& Month("SectionDate")=archivednewsmonth &" And "& Year("SectionDate")=2006 &" ORDER BY SectionDate DESC;"

archivednewsmonth is just a variable with a month in it (for example "January")

It's not working and not to sure where i'm going wrong? I've never really used variables or the Month("SectionDate") function in an SQL query so far so would just like to get it right so i know in the future :)
Thanks for that,

I tried your replacement sql query but it still doesn't work, just shows an error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement
/test/Website/IndexIncludes/archivednewsmonth.asp, line 11, column 113
sql_archived_news = "SELECT SectionID, SectionShortDesc, SectionDate FROM tblNews WHERE SectionMain=1 And Month("SectionDate")=" & archivednewsmonth & " And Year("SectionDate")=2006 ORDER BY SectionDate DESC;"

I changed the values sent to 1,2,3 etc. instead of the actual months :)
[b]Line 10[/b]   set rsArchivedNews = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
[b]Line 11[/b]   sql_archived_news = "SELECT SectionID, SectionShortDesc, SectionDate FROM tblNews WHERE SectionMain=1 And Month('SectionDate')=" & archivednewsmonth & " And Year('SectionDate')=2006 ORDER BY SectionDate DESC;"
[b]Line 12[/b]   rsArchivedNews.Open sql_archived_news, conn, 3, 3
[b]Line 13[/b]   nLCount = rsArchivedNews.RecordCount

Hmm, it doesn't give an error anymore on the sql statement, but says there is an error on line 12 :confused:, not sure if I should be changing anything there, or if my code just isn't working ... the variable is passing to the page fine, I just can't see why the query won't work properly.
Working perfectly now, thanks for all the help :) :)

Have taken a note of that for future use :)

Thanks again,

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