quick html question

If you just want to target the links in that box, you could do something like

.white a {
     color: blue;
I'm not sure of the extent of the usage of the white class though so maybe you might want to use another selector. You'll might want to change the colour for the various states of a link as well (hover, active etc) too. See link 34 in your style.css file to see how to do that and combine those selectors with the white class again as above.
^ that should do the trick.

The white class has a white background, so I would imagine every link inside a white div will need to be updated!

If you don't want to do that, you cuold give the "a" tag an ID, and set a CSS property for that ID...


<a href="somelink.html" id="linka">here</a>

with css of:

#linka { color: #0000FF; }
^ that should do the trick.

The white class has a white background, so I would imagine every link inside a white div will need to be updated!

If you don't want to do that, you cuold give the "a" tag an ID, and set a CSS property for that ID...


<a href="somelink.html" id="linka">here</a>

with css of:

#linka { color: #0000FF; }

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