Quick Improvements?

16 Nov 2009
Hello chaps!

I've recently been enjoying making little vignettes of my antique weapon collection and I want to share them for you professionals to critique. I'm using two cheap lights, no editing software and an iPhone 8.





Any thoughts? Please be harsh as I would like to improve. Would a 'proper' camera make a real difference and, if so, what kind of ballpark figure are we talking? These snaps are just for my Instagram account but they do lead people to my website too so I want them to be decent and interesting but, as you can tell, I know exactly nothing about cameras of photography.

(Also, the resolution is much better than shown here.)

Many thanks!

Thanks for that reply, EGuitarStar - it's great to have some feedback from someone in the know. I don't really know what I want, except to get better. One thing that is a problem is that swords are very difficult for me to photograph in full-length shots as the details become fuzzy. One example:

I'm surprised you've all said the quality is okay - I was expecting an upgrade to an actual camera to be the next step! Thanks for all the comments. I've looked into composition rules like the golden ratio and leading lines (et cetera) and it's all really interesting. Up to now I've mostly been doing it all by feel They take around an hour each to do - a surprising amount of work!

I've been mucking about with GIMP so I might bring that into play too. I wish I had more free time to dedicate myself to this properly.
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