Quick Little Head Tracker

22 Nov 2015
With the new build still waiting on parts I decided to do a small project to fill the time: A head tracker for Project Cars 2 (cheers to my mate Gibbo for the heads up on these things and the advice when I was stuck!).

The aim was to do this as cheaply as possible, using junk / spare bits wherever possible. In total I had to fork out about £7 for the camera, £4 for the LED's, £1 for a pack of resistors, £1 for a USB cable and £1 for some elastic. Not bad! Anyway, the build...

First job was to rip the camera apart (PS3 cam)


Remove the IR filter


And replace it with a light filter (old film negative)


The camera now picking up only IR light it was time to make the headset. But what could I use that's free? That's right, watercooling tubing I had left over from the W2W build :)


An extra piece to tidy up the USB cable a bit


And then the awkward bit: How to mount the LED's. The middle one was easy, I just made the hole directly opposite the larger USB cable hole and pushed it through from the inside, but the other 2... At first I was trying to make small plugs out of left over acrylic


Which was a major PITA, but then the missus had a better idea: BUTTONS! So I asked mother if she had any random buttons I could use and was given... This :eek:


Bit of searching later and found 3 perfect sized buttons, 2 for the LED's and one for the USB cable


All soldered up and glued together, time to test it's working


Then came the issue of mounting it. I did't want to have to wear headphones, but it needed to be far enough from my head that my face didn't block the centre LED when turning... More left over tubing & acrylic to the rescue!


Quick lick of paint


Some elastic velcroed on to make a headband


And we're ready to test!


I was worried it wouldn't hold stable enough and would pick up false movement as it 'twitched', but I needn't have worried, it holds rock steady and works perfectly :D

So, for about £14 all in I'm pretty happy with that! Now back to the proper build, with another small update coming tomorrow... Hopefully.
Nice work :)
I made on of these too for use in Assetto Corsa. I found that using the clip on one side of my head was a pain as my head would obscure the LED's at times (triple screen setup so I move my head a fair bit). I ended up mounting the LED's to an old cap which worked way better.
Thanks Billy, could have been tidier but didn't want to spend too long on a cheap little side project :)

I'm only using a single (although very wide!) monitor so I'm hoping the LED's will be far enough from my face that it won't be an issue, but if it is watch out for v2.0 with added hat!
Out of interest, what tracking software are you using? I used to use Facetrack Noir but I think development stopped a long time ago.
Out of interest, what tracking software are you using? I used to use Facetrack Noir but I think development stopped a long time ago.

I'm using FacetrackNoIR v2.00. Not got it all set up properly yet as work keeps getting in the way, but had a quick play and all seems to be working OK :)
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