Quick MacBook Pro Question!

19 Oct 2005
Hey Guys,

Just up in London to see my Dad and he has recently just purchased a MacBook Pro 17", his is the new Santa Rosa 2.4 one, mines the "old" 2.33 one. His is basically exactly the same as mine except the CPU.

We were geeking out and got talking about the specs, i was intrigued to what FSB his CPU was to which he replied 800mhz. I then remembered that when we first go into "About this mac" he said that the RAM was 667mhz, surely this is wrong?

Maybe its me thinking about PC's too much, having the FSB the same as the RAM speed to stop bottlenecking, do you need this on a mac.

Surely this slows down the Chip considerably making it no more faster than my MBP effectively, except the marginal .07ghz. Am i right in thinking this?

Thanks in advance,

Hey Guys,

Just up in London to see my Dad and he has recently just purchased a MacBook Pro 17", his is the new Santa Rosa 2.4 one, mines the "old" 2.33 one. His is basically exactly the same as mine except the CPU.

We were geeking out and got talking about the specs, i was intrigued to what FSB his CPU was to which he replied 800mhz. I then remembered that when we first go into "About this mac" he said that the RAM was 667mhz, surely this is wrong?

Maybe its me thinking about PC's too much, having the FSB the same as the RAM speed to stop bottlenecking, do you need this on a mac.

Surely this slows down the Chip considerably making it no more faster than my MBP effectively, except the marginal .07ghz. Am i right in thinking this?

Thanks in advance,


Not sure about how it works or anything, but yes the new MBP has a 800mhz FSB processor and 667mhz RAM.
You can't get 800MHz RAM yet.. AFAIK.

If you can it's probably uber expensive!
Will anyone be getting 800mhz ram for there MacBook Pro's if it comes to a good price. I know i certainly would, would make the whole computer way faster then! Would see the proper benefits of Santa Rosa!

Glad i didnt upgrade.

Stop the name changing EVH hehe! Probably got changed from DJ Lorey ages ago but only just noticed! :p


EDIT- Does seem like you can get it, albeit twice the price of 667mhz, probably worth it though!
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I've been subtly quoting you in random threads Josh.. guess you didn't notice ! haha ;)

I would love to get some 800MHz RAM, but can't really see the price coming down for a while and I'll still have to sell this 4GB set of 667MHz stuff I have now!
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