Quick Maths Q

18 Sep 2003
In a textbook of mine, there's a step which I can't get my head around.

B*E*X = A*(Y - E*X)

rearranges to

X = [A/(A+B)](Y/E)

I can't figure out how to do it. Could anyone walk me through it?


p.s. Bonus points for knowing what the last equation is (A and B would normally be alpha and beta)

Just like any rearrangement, get all the terms containing the X on one side, take X out and you're there.

(I don't recognise the equation, except possibly from GCSE electronics. Might be entirely off the mark there! What are you studying at what level?)
VeNT said:
omg what happened to the no homework rule?

That's a rule? Ooops ;-)

Anyway, I think the OP is older than compulsary school level, it's just a little (easy) step, I doubt I'm ruining anyone's education!
This isn't homework. Appendix 8 in the third edition of Microeconomics by Jeffrey Perloff, if you must know.

I've got an exam tomorrow :)
PinkPig said:
That's a rule? Ooops ;-)

Anyway, I think the OP is older than compulsary school level, it's just a little (easy) step, I doubt I'm ruining anyone's education!
iirc it was never written into the FAQ but there was a period where we where getting about 2-3 of these a night from some of the younger members, people started putting in wrong answers to mess with them and stuff.
Seft said:
This isn't homework. Appendix 8 in the third edition of Microeconomics by Jeffrey Perloff, if you must know.

I've got an exam tomorrow :)

Good luck - my IB exams start tomorrow too! Good old English literature exam at 8am in the morning :p
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