Quick photoshop question...

2 Mar 2004

making myself a sig in photoshop, have made one with some snippets of bits and bobs on a transparent background. Which I was hoping would just show the snippits when its on a forum for example. Unfortunately though the snippets do show, but there is a horrible white background..showing the size of the signature if you know what I mean.

I was thinking if I created a file with the tranparent option selected the background would be just that, transparent..

I guess I've done something wrong, but just not sure what and couldn't see an option or anything.

So any help appreciated.

Transparancy is a bit iffy to say the least, you could use a png. But IE doesn't support it with transparancy. You'd have to use a GIF. and still set a matte colour thats like the background it'd be used on.
bigbadish said:

making myself a sig in photoshop, have made one with some snippets of bits and bobs on a transparent background. Which I was hoping would just show the snippits when its on a forum for example. Unfortunately though the snippets do show, but there is a horrible white background..showing the size of the signature if you know what I mean.

I was thinking if I created a file with the tranparent option selected the background would be just that, transparent..

I guess I've done something wrong, but just not sure what and couldn't see an option or anything.

So any help appreciated.


I get the same problem with P'shop Transparency and saving as JPEG's.

The workaround i use is to substitute the transparency for the exact match of the backgound you are overlaying it on. ( If that makes sense ).

Example ;


I matched the Blue background from the forum to give the appearance of transparency around the above sig.

Hope this helps.

Okey dokey, thanks for that I'll have a bash :)

I tried it without doing anything colour wise...the result


seems to work ok, which is good hehe.

I'm using Photoshop CS if that makes any difference.

mrdbristol said:
I get the same problem with P'shop Transparency and saving as JPEG's.

Thats because jpegs don't support transparancy, you'll need to save it as a .gif or .png
Nearly didn't recognise you there with your new shiny Wise Guy avatar. :)
bigbadish said:
Okey dokey, thanks for that I'll have a bash :)

I tried it without doing anything colour wise...the result


seems to work ok, which is good hehe.

I'm using Photoshop CS if that makes any difference.


Looks great , nice job. :D

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