Well, I finally got round to doing it. Made the bases up last night using:
8oz of Allinsons strong white four
4oz of Semolina flour
1.25 teaspoons yiest
half a tea-soon white sugar
175-200 ml warm water
I Dissolved the yiest and sugar in the water
measured out the flour, then put in a bowl.
I mixed the flour, then made a well in the middle, stirring in the warm water/yiest/sugar combo with a fork.
Once mixed, I then floured up a board, and then tipped the dough out. I then needed the dough for 10-15 mins, folding it over on itself and re-flouring to prevent it sticking.
I then divided the dough mix up into 2 parts, and rolled them out on a baking tray which had been floured. The resultant disc was about 8" - 10" across and about 7mm thick.
Both bases were then drissled with Olive oil, then covered with cling film, and left to prove. I put mine into the over which I had warming to 50C. I turned off the over while the bases were in there to prevent them cooking.
After about 50 mins ( I chopped the cheese/veg and made the pizza sauce at this point, then took the dog for a quick walk) I took the pizza bases out the over and then re-rolled them to the width of the baking tray - I believe this is called knocking back the dough...? Meanwhile I shoved the over on full (250C) to heat up for cooking.
Once I'd knocked back the dough, I then dressed the pizzas. See below:
The first is ham, mozzarella, red/yellow peppers, olives (stuffed with halepino's), capers, Cheddar, Sliced tomatoes all sat on a spicy tomato base. The second is Mozzarella, peppers, cheddar, onion and ham - Wifie doesn't like capers, olives or Anchovies...
and this is how they came out:
I was delighted with the results, and they ate well. The dog only got one slice donated from each Pizza, and there's a slice left for tnight when I get home, waiting for me
I know they are no cheaper than buying them pre-made, but they taste an order of magnitude better when you make them yourself.