quick practical joke needed!

4 Jun 2003
UK, Dorset
i am trying to send a voice msg over airport to a colleagues macbook from my mbp. I managed to set up an airport network between our machines without her knowing, but now i want to be able to send a msg to her mac, so her mac plays it as a voice....

Anyway to do this?
Basically no. To do this you would need to have her username and password to log into terminal.
If you do get someone's password and allow remote log in, it's really, really easy and very funny. I did this but on linux though I'm assuming it's the same on mac os.

Hide some random sound files of noises on their computer somewhere, log in remotely by ssh and play them back at random intervals. If you get access to their router and forward a port you could even do this when they're home and cause maximum confusion.
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