Quick Q, downpipe wrap

21 Oct 2004
West Yorkshire
I ride all weather and the bike - unfortunately - is kept outside due to lack of garage. Like last year, salt from the roads has made a jolly mess of my down pipe, again, used kurust and high temp paint last year after removing all loose surface rust.

This year I was planning on going a step further, I already have all the materials needed so it wouldn't be at cost, just time and whether the efforts worth it.

Plan was to take off the exhaust, fully clean the down pipe, then give it a good coat of kurust followed by a coat of high temp paint. Then wrap it and follow up with 2-3 good coats of high temp paint again to seal it all.

After reading a whole heap of scattered information across various forums I am at a cross roads as to whether to go ahead as some have said that wrap can trap moisture and damage the pipe quicker.

I must stress, this is for looks and protection only, its a cbr125r5, I'm not bothered about trying to squeeze HP out of a tiny engine. I'm planning on doing my mod1&2 over the next few months so its just to improve appearance for trade in and so that the next person who gets her can enjoy riding as much as I have.

Any one any experience with this?

cheers in advance :)
black painted pipes always tend to rust,my kmx's did it

chrome plating would last longer or a stainless steel downpipe,you can try wrapping it ect but idk how long it would last for

I used to grind the rust off mine and respray it with black hi temp paint
Wrapping means water soaked up sits against the pipes longer and thats how they rot faster.

They also run a bit hotter as the heat is locked in. I noticed more popping and banging with my old 636 once wrapped.

If you want ultimate protection, make sure you remove all rust and paint them just imo!
Thanks for the replies, leaning towards just a good clean and paint job now. The wrap wasn't costly and got it ages ago, heck it'll keep for if I ever do a dry weather only build.

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