I am wanting to build a cat enclosure in the back garden and I just have a very simple question really.
I have attached a pic showing the whole frame of the enclosure, the raised section will be sitting on the raised terraced section of grass I have. Now I have also attached a zoomed in view of the base and one of the upright posts.
Now my question is what is the best way to construct this junction. Is it to glue the base together with miter joints and then screw up from the bottom of the base into the upright? Or would you get some kind of bracket to attach the upright to the base?
All help gratefully received. Thanks
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I am wanting to build a cat enclosure in the back garden and I just have a very simple question really.
I have attached a pic showing the whole frame of the enclosure, the raised section will be sitting on the raised terraced section of grass I have. Now I have also attached a zoomed in view of the base and one of the upright posts.
Now my question is what is the best way to construct this junction. Is it to glue the base together with miter joints and then screw up from the bottom of the base into the upright? Or would you get some kind of bracket to attach the upright to the base?
All help gratefully received. Thanks
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