Quick question about delivery

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I'm going to buy something I don't mind waiting a few days for, so I may as well have it delivered. I've always bought over the counter from the shop (if I decide to buy a new toy, I want it straight away), so I haven't had anything delivered from OcUK before.

What happens if I am not in when they deliver? There might or might not be anyone at home to collect. The T&C contains the charming information that OcUK can sell the stuff I've ordered at a knock-down price and then charge me for the difference.

If they use Royal Mail, there's no problem - I'll just collect it from my local post office the next day. Not having had anything delivered from OcUK before, I have no idea what company they use for delivery.
[FnG]magnolia;15007264 said:
You'll get left with a "you weren't in, please pick up from your local Royal Mail depot/re-arrange time for delivery" slip and no goodies. It's infuriating.

That's no big deal. My nearest post office is a couple of hundred yards away, so I just arrange local collection there and stroll in the next day. With a book to read in the inevitable queue, of course.

So OcUK definitely use Royal Mail and not a courier company?
OCUK use DPD for courier stuff, been fine with me.

Spend a few extra quid and get Next Day Before Noon and take the morning off - always works for me.

It might work for me if I could take the morning off when I wanted to, but I don't work for myself.
RM is more convenient than that - for 50p, you can collect it at any post office. My local depot is a couple of miles away. My local post office is a couple of hundred yards away. That's what I usually do when I have anything delievered - 50p is cheap for the convenience.

My nearest relative is ~150 miles away, so that isn't useful. My workplace doesn't provide a delivery address service for employees. It's frowned upon.

So it comes down to if I get a choice of delivery companies. I'll send a webnote or maybe go all retro and use the telephone :)
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