Quick question about Lightroom 4

11 Oct 2005
Hi, just a quick questions about Lightroom 4.

I have all my photo's stored on my (D) Drive, in folders such as:

2013 / NEC Bike show
/ Walks with dog

My LR Catalog is in (C) within 'My pictures'

At the moment I am adding keywords words too all my photo's. Taking a while for me to sort. As at the moment there is 9792 photos !

My question is. When I add NEW PHOTOS that for arguments sake I take tomorrow. What is the BEST practice?

Add them all to a folder called for eg: "Thursday 7/3/12" add that to the 2013 Folder and then re import everything or just then import that folder into LR?

Hope this makes sense.

Thank you so much, just trying to organize all these photo's. Just takes a while as have saved a lot of photo's that are perhaps not really worth saving.
Make a bulk import folder in Explorer e.g. "Raw photo imports". Copy all raw files from the card each time you plug it in into that folder. Put your old photo folders into a folder along those lines e.g. "Photos pre 06-03-13"

Open Lightroom and set it up to import from the "Raw photo imports" folder.

Set up collections in Lightroom to arrange by date - I tend to go by month just because that suits the way I work i.e. I have smart collections of January 2013, February 2013 etc. that automatically include everything with EXIF that puts them down as having been taken in that month, and then I colour tag for genres - Red (6) for portraits/fashion, yellow (7) for art, green (8) for stock and blue (9) for other.
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