Quick question about out of fuel Desiel cars

27 Jan 2005
If your Desiel car runs out of fuel, you put some more in, hopw do you get it to start as i have been told the fuel needs help to get round to the engine? any ideas?


Colin - complete novice...
Most of the time you need to re-prime the fuel pump. Not sure however if all diesels have manual priming pumps or not however.
On older models you need to prime it with the hand pump until the diesel flows without bubbles

On modern diesels you can just simply switch the ignition on and off a few times and it will prime it for you.
Stonedofmoo said:
On older models you need to prime it with the hand pump until the diesel flows without bubbles

On modern diesels you can just simply switch the ignition on and off a few times and it will prime it for you.

What he said :)
It does depend on the design, some are self priming, some have a hand plunger to prime it..

Towing it to start it on older non self priming diesels seems popular... how this is different from just turning it over for ages, I don't know, perhaps more pressure?
Cheers all, is 6 year old an old one or should that have electronic pump thing...

I think my mate is turning the engine on and off but she still hasnt got the car going yet...

but thanks for the help :)

On the older ones you often have to turn the ignition to activate the start/stop solenoid then prime the pump until it goes hard. Then turn off ignition and try and start it
On my 306 (1994) there was a bulbous lump on the fuel line, and you just squeezed it lots till it became hard (;)) and you were good to go.

As for an 01 plate, I'd have thought that it'd be a self primer.

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