quick question - Mac USA

24 Jan 2003
I have a cousin who lives in Philly in the US. Now he comes home every xmas and im debating whether to get a Macbook. My current plan is to get him to buy one and bring it back but i have acouple of Q's

Do they get the same 14% discount in america for HE

Anyone know what the sales tax would be for it (lowest spec model $1099)

Are there any issues with getting one from the US (i understand apple do global warranty?)

This seems like a very cheap way to get a macbook or am i missing something?


well i have asked him to purchase one but he is returning to the uk tomorrow with a load of stuff and may not be able to get one :mad:

His uni has a shop on site which sells the lowest spec mac for $969, fingers crossed they are in stock.

Think i could live with the US keyboard, and international warranty gives peace of mind, it really is crazy how much cheaper you get them in the states for though.
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