Quick question

11 Jul 2004
The jailbreak screenshot thread has tempted me. If i have some music on the ipod now, do i need to do a factory restore via iTunes first before trying all this? It has the latest firmware too. Then after you jailbreak do you then update the firmware or leave it as is?

Also, if i have the latest firmware when i restore it will it take me back to the original firmware or the latest one available (1.1.2 that i installed)?
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I don't think so no, I didn't anyways if I can remember rightly. I have left the firmware as it is. - I'm just going to leave it tbh :p - It's dead easy to jailbreak trust me :)

Oh yes, your the 50 Cent hater from the other thread :p

That's me! :)

So you restored it to what version? Then left it at that once it was done yes?
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