Quick rebuild of iTunes library

3 Feb 2008
Basically, all my music is on another drive, of which the letter changed, now iTunes has no idea where my music is unless i point it at it.

I also have numerous individual purchases and apps etc. And, for some reason, a load of albums have duplicated twice and even three times for some bizzare reason.

So, is there a button i can click that will delete all dupes, keep my purchases, and repoint all the files at the new music location? Or is that slightly wishfull thinking?
Both answers lie in the File menu :)

File > Show Duplicates


File > Library > Consolidate Library


Consolidating the library transfers all music to the iTunes Music folder (an easy way to ensure you don't miss any tracks).

If you wish to keep the music on another drive you must "change" the music path in the iTunes preferences..


Hope this helps.
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Thanks EVH, but do i still have to manually delete all dupes when all have been shown? It's showing 487 songs in total with some entire albums having 3 of each song! :S
Think so :o

What about consolidating the library, then dragging the "iTunes Music" folder to an external drive and re-pointing iTunes as mentioned above.

I assume when it consolidates that it will ignore the duplicates, I can't verify it though.
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