Quick Sennheiser HD 555 Question

This will be wildly technical and descriptive.

But mine came with the standard 3.5mm connection and the chunkier one that only seems to be in stereo systems. The 3.5mm is an extension onto the 'chunkier' connection.
Is the 3.5mm connection the normal connection for headphones (I.e. to use them in your computer, TV sound system, iPod etc.)
It has a 6.25mm connector usually used with amps and an adapter (6.25mm>3.5mm) which lets it fit MP3 players, soundcards etc.

My goldring dr150 arrived today seriously good headphones giant killers at £60 delivered.
May I ask, what is the bass like on the HD555s? (in terms of depth/extension and impact)

In particular does it run fine straight out of a soundcard (e.g. x-fi) and how does it sound without any enhancements? (e.g. EQ, bass enhancers, etc)

Currently using a pair of Audio Technica ADH-A900s but would like to get an open can.
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