Quick Uni question

17 Mar 2004
Market Drayton, Salop
Lo all,

A friend of mine, who i count as being very bright has decided he wants to go to University to do some sort of Forensic Science degree.

However, he is now 25 and although he took four A-Levels he had to leave about 3-4 months before his final exams due to severe family problems so he never actually got the qualifications.

Now i know that Uni courses require points to get into them and that A-levels etc are so many points each, but other than 9 GCSEs he has nothing.

Is there any route he can take to get into Uni?

Thanks in advance
Thanks for all the replies, hes know phoning around local Unis trying to get help for the next step.

Its sad really as he has lots of potential and actually took the same four A-levels as me (maths, physics, psycology and geography) and was forcast to get very high grades.
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