Quick website lookover :)

10 Apr 2006
North West
Hey, just spent the last 2-3hours making my mate a website for one of his uni modules, its a music course but he has to do web programming :/

Exo remedy

Looks fine in FF but in IE the content font doesn't change to Verdana, and on the left content the "Change Me" doesn't seem to accept the line break to go below, and the text colour is different in these headers from FF version.
Probably some noob mistake from me but just wondering if anyone knows :)

All the pictures were supplied by him, i just resized some of them.
Only thing graphically i made was the navigation at the top.
it all validates XHTML Strict which is always good :)

One thing that must be ignored for now is viewing it in a small space, i know the left and right content windows overlap the main content if the screen isn't big enough. This is just to me making it in 1280*1024 to make sure i got everything to work. Tomorrow i'll resize the central content so it looks fine on smaller resolutions.
Was just wondering what ways other people use for 3 column websites which must have a banner like this one.

As usual website critique welcome, only took a few hours so i don't mind :P

edit: ignore the releases page, its just full of text from my site as he didn't have the content with him tonight :p
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I have to say I'm not particularly a fan of that, in IE it looks rather Frontpage-esque, with the coloured times on a black background. A few pointers to work on imo:
  • Make it feel more structured, separate content from side bars with a slightly different background colour
  • Plain #000 looks dated, try #444 or a nice dark grey tone
  • Line Break, eek
  • Maybe move the navigation under the header, currently imo the header is emphasised more than how to get around the page
  • Footer?

Sorry if this all seems harsh critisism, but I hope it helps for the next update. :)
I hate red text , but thats just a personal opinion :D

If your trying to be " in your face " then OK , but i find it a bit harsh on the eyes.

Try toning it down abit and try a different font.

Maybe space the text abit further down the page as there is a large block of emptyness.

As Randomtom says try a non black background ( dark grey with a faint black pattern overlay ? )

Apart from that, keep going.

red text is bit harsh. especially on black background

here's one I did, using black, patterned grey, white, yellow, red ... client wanted black, but when we made it it was too garish .. so we toned it down a bit.


the only thing I would have to done to this site, in hindsight, is to make the red a little less bright.

the surrounding is a dark red/black pattern.
criticisms fine!
I only knocked up what he told me to, was just.
I don't like plain black and red text a lot, gonna speak to him about changing it, but it is his project.
Besides from the red/black, is there anything that could be improved via code, it all validates Strict but is there anything that can be done better?

edit: just realised why BG is all black, as it matches the banner image and he didn't want that changing :(

2nd edit: Exo V2
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2nd version looks much better to me

tsinc80697 said:
criticisms fine!
I only knocked up what he told me to, was just.
I don't like plain black and red text a lot, gonna speak to him about changing it, but it is his project.
Besides from the red/black, is there anything that could be improved via code, it all validates Strict but is there anything that can be done better?

edit: just realised why BG is all black, as it matches the banner image and he didn't want that changing :(

2nd edit: Exo V2
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