Quick x-fi question....

11 Jun 2005
Hey guys (and gals),

Is it possible to connect stereo speakers (via an amp) and a sub to an x-fi? I've currently got the sub leeching its bass from the hi freq line to my speakers and wondered if i could bypass this by connecting the sub directly to the x-fi.

You might be able to - but try connecting all three via the amp. I have a 2.1 stereo set up using the amp, it helps the x-fi with power requirements if you know what I mean.
Hmm...so the x-fi might not have enough juice for the sub? I thought they came with internal amps (mine is an extax atomic 10)...
They do - and they're powered seperatly as well, but an amp most always help. It depends on how much power is required from your speakers. Mine are 135W @ 4ohms.
ok...thanks. I havn't got a dedicated sub out on my amp though and don't think leeching of the amps hi freq is the best way to go. I'll have a read around i guess.

thanks for the help.
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