Quickest change?

4 May 2011
This is probably one of those questions with as many answers as people, but I'll ask anyway.

What gear would be fastest to get into? Lets say I do an on call type job, and need to get from "The phone rings" to "On the road" as fast as possible - what is the best/fastest gear to use for the job? Bear in mind it needs to be able to cope with cold and rain, so waterproof is a must.
One piece suit? Separate jacket and trews? What boots?

I've only ever done separate jacket and trews, so advise from anyone who has tried both would be appreciated :)
Depends in what you don't mind sitting in...

I would just say a normal pair of biking boots, dragin jeans and a nice textile jacket. As for fully waterproof. A nice 2 peice textile suit would go down a treat.

In terms of sitting in, thats a good point. Ideally I'd like to be able to sit at home dressed in whatever, and then be able to throw my bike gear over the top - assuming its cold enough for me to be wearing something other than shorts at home, its safe to assume that on the road an extra layer would be nice :)
Go for a 2 set of textiles and take the thermal lining out so if your at home with track suit bottoms and a jumper then you have a half decent base layer. You can then stick the thermals in for longer set journeys.

Try the kit on if you can. I find RST textiles fit me the same as Hein Gerike but Alpinestars are completely different.
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