Quicky about Iframe.

15 Aug 2003
Is there any way to have content automatically resize to the size of an Iframe instead of having the content repeated to fill the Iframe?

I’m trying to get a .bmp to fit inside the frame but currently its not adjusting the content dynamically, it’s just repeating the content or cutting off the content depending on the size of the frame.

(Sorry if I haven't explained this properly, i'm a total newb so may be missing some very basic concepts here ;) )
cant you just change the size of the iframe? wouldnt it be easier?

I.e file1.bmp was 500x400 in size

the iframe could be

<iframe src="loc/of/file1.bmp" width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

OR isnt that what your after? lol

<< im half asleep lol >>

frameborder gets rid of the border btw lol
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