Quiet but powerful laptop...

9 May 2008

I run a number of programs that trade the forex market. I used to run them on a VPS but it was slow. Sometimes I couldn't remotely connect in the afternoons which presented major problems.

So one day I tried my trusted but old laptop and surprisingly it runs them fine.

These are the specs

How ever as time goes on I will open up more of the same programs. I am currently running 8 simultaneously and plan to increase that by 50% within the next month of so.

So I am after a new laptop but have been out of the market for quite a while so not really sure what way to go. I should also say that I do my own YouTube videos and would like something that could handle 4 -5.3k video files that would also be good for video editing as I do plan to get more creative. I am NOT into gaming or should I say modern day gaming. I still regularly play Age of Empires :). Something that also has it's on ethernet connection as I don't want to always run over wifi....

The laptop will be running 24/5. 10PM Sunday to 10PM Friday and will also be running in my bedroom when I am asleep so would need to be fairly quiet if possible.

Any help is appreciated.

Budget would be £1500 - £2500k maybe a bit more.
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11 Oct 2006
The standard suggestion here will probably be that you need a gaming laptop even if it's not used for gaming but, as you'll see from an adjacent thread, they're not something you'd want to share your bedroom with. An alternative might be a workstation laptop like the Dell Precision range but I've no idea what they're like for noise as they're just not discussed here very often. I think you'd be better off with a custom small PC as you can then optimise the components to minimise the noise.

Lack of on-board Ethernet isn't really a problem as USB-to-Ethernet dongles are cheap and effective.
9 May 2008
I did think about a pc as I am still after a new one of them. Trouble is I need to have something mobile as I do travel a bit.
22 Apr 2016
Powerful laptops and quiet simply do not go hand in hand. Consider the size of the heat sinks and fans in even a modest pc and then look at how tiny the fans are in even the most powerful laptop and you’ll wonder why they even bother with such a small fan, think of your thumbnail.

Of course there’s a compromise but I wouldn’t want a power laptop running in my bedroom it would be noisy there is nothing you can do to get around that bar the suggestion above.
12 Dec 2006
If you want quiet with a bit of oomph Mac Book Air is the obvious hardware. You'd have to check can you run all your software on it though.
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