Quiet MP3

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK

I have a batch of around 1000 MP3 files that are quieter than all of my other ripped MP3 files.

I wish to increase the volume of the MP3 files without losing any quality.

I wish to increase the volume to the exact level of the rest of my MP3 collection.

Is this possible, if so how?


Thank you.

All of my ripped MP3's are in the 95-100db region. Is this normal, they were ripped with itunes. Was this a bad move?
I wouldn't say bad but a lot of your collection will be clipping at +95db but its easy to change. I use mp3gain to analyse and set as close to poss to 89db that's usually about perfect to allow none of my collection to clip. Plus it has an added bonus that amps can give higher resolution when they are turned up higher.
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Use Replaygain instead, if your player supports it.
Don't use mp3gain.

What?!? Errrr why?

mp3gain is a front end to replaygain, mp3gain just makes the change permanent which sounds like exactly what he wants instead of adjusting it on the fly all the time using RG integrated with a player.... even if the one he uses supported it.
Yes, it actually physically changes the file gain, and you can also change it back again, in fact you can change it as many times as you want (original gain stored in tags). PLUS its all lossless so I don't understand what your getting at with that comment? That's a win win in my book.
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At home I play the original CD's through my seperates. In the car I play MP3 CD's but keep adjusting the volume as some of my CD's are much quieter when ripped. must have ripped them differently.

Is 89db the "standard".

What's the best software for ripping to "industry standard" mp3s then? I am prepared to re-rip everything if you think it would make a difference. I have about 2k songs so it wouldn't take forever.
PLUS its all lossless so I don't understand what your getting at with that comment? That's a win win in my book.

Hmm... sounds like it to me too. I'm curious as to what the downside to doing it might be??? I'm currently just using foobar2000 to do it on the fly, but permenant would be good...
RG with foobar can set the level slightly more accurately as it can change the player gain, as the mp3gain has to change the actual file it can only do it in with 1.5db steps. Something that has never been an issue with me the difference is minimal. Still you could use both and not loose out on your current setup and still have better normalised mp3's when you play them on something else.

And Tesla, yes 89db is considered the reference standard, search Hydrogenaudio forums if you want the details as to why :)....And you don't need to re-rip anything.....just use mp3gain :)
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