
5 Dec 2003
I've been wanting to try quinoa for some time now however I never seem to be able to find it in any supermarkets and online prices are just too high when postage charges are factored in. Does anyone know of supermarkets that stock it? Or any other methods of getting it without paying the price of the product again in delivery costs?
Tesco do it in the whole foods section (at least in my one they do)
I bought some a while ago and tried a few things with it, but have to say I wasn't a fan.

I'd be happy to send you the half a bag that's been sitting at the back of my cupboard for several years :p
I am sure i've got it from Sainsburys in the random section that has gluten-free stuff / crazy health food etc
Cheers folks, I went back to the Sainsbury’s around the corner and they haven't got any. Tried Morrison’s again and managed to pick some up; I was looking for it with the rice and pasta rather than whole foods.

To my defence though, I have asked members of staff a few times if they had any, only to be greeted by blank expressions. :)
Waitrose stocks it or at least some of them do. I always preferred the flaked Quinoa myself, mix it with something like millet or buckwheat, soya yoghurt, some xylitol and a half teaspoon of 100% cocoa (Green and Blacks). That'll keep your pipes clear and clean. ;)
Ainsley Harriot packages all these weird grain things with salty flavourings. I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed the quinoa. I have something else by him called 'spelt' which I have no idea about.
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