Quit smoking. Vape good or bad.

27 Mar 2006
I've been quit 4 years now smoking tobacco cigarettes (smoked for 25 years) and I never thought I'd be able to do it years back. People I met said it was hardest thing to do and many who'd quit said many years after {upto 15} they could murder a cigarette. Me at this point never get it a thought till just now. I'm extremely proud of myself for achieving it cold turkey and to this day all I see now is people not quitting and on these 'electronic' vaper things and puffing away massive clouds of smoke and no intention of ever stopping. Is this a good or bad thing.
I'm just curious about these dense clouds people exhale and often seem quite proud of themselves. I'm nor knocking it but many who I've seen moved to these vapor cigarettes seem as addictive as ever and smoke more often because it isn't traditional cigarettes and it's safe to 'exhale' clouds of smoke around the room. Outside fine but obviously inside is there any real danger. Some of it does smell lovely btw (passively)
If you are asking if its a good idea for you to start vaping, you would be an idiot if you did! After 4 years off the cigs you are nicotine free. Why would you want to start sticking nicotine into your body and get addicted to it again. Just doesn't make sense. DONT DO IT!

No intention to smoke anything. I'm 46 now and lesson learnt. I'm just curious about people's attitudes and vapors who changed to electronic to quit but ended up addicted and say it harms nobody.
I'm looking at people quitting smoking real cigarettes and the use of electronic to do this is great. It's very rare I see anyone smoke a real cigarette but I see 'lots' vaping. I've no problem with this just want educating on why people keep doing it and have no intention to stop.
Interesting how worked up people get over this issue. Safe to say I'm a little wiser over this issue of electronic cigarettes and I'm assured I'll never inhale any form of cigarette, bung, joint or any drug or device again. Where's my vanilla coca cola and marmite crisps. I love them. ttfn
I'm not sure if this is made up information but it appears legislation for taxing 'vaping' products is in the works. Surely not. It's jumping on the bandwagon surely if this holds true. Wouldn't put it past the UK government.
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