Quote me Hippy!

9 Jan 2003
looking for a nice music editing system for a m8, he's got about £800 to spend, wants moosive storage and good processing power, it should be ABLE to play Quake 4 too but thats 2ndery to processing power etc so graphics should be low down on your list.
ideas guys?
he was thinking of a x2 3800, but I'm not sure if he'll get it in this spec, about 2gig ram, 19'' (maybe widescreen) TFT, keyboard, mouse, (wireless both), DVD RW etc, he was also hoaping for 2 hard drives 250/500 gig setup but I think its cheaper to get 3 250s isn't it?

ok I'll leave the rest to you guys, oh but he wants a sexeh case too, something like the Antec P180 (doesn't want much does he!)

thanks in advance!
yeah thats what I came up with,

you should see what he asked for ORIGINALY!

maybe another case? somthing cheaper would probably not be an issue as long as it isn't ugly!
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