Racks or Drawers for LTO

1 Aug 2003
What do people use to store their LTO cartridges?

I've been using old CD drawers, but wondered if there was anything more appropriate. Googling didn't seem to show anything helpful, but I may have used the wrong keywords.
We use fire proof safes to store our tapes... older tapes we send off to secure offsite storage.
I get the safe part, we keep ours in a vault. But it's what to store them in while they're there. The turtle cases look quite bulky.

This came up because someone was reviewing the tapes and managed to drop a whole bunch of them on the floor (data integrity risk right there). Because we have an 18 month review of each tape to check integrity and 6 year replacement strategy, I was hoping that there was some sort of drawer system available so they could be reviewed safely.
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