radeon 9800 pro work well with oblivion?



12 Aug 2005
how well would my pc handle oblivion?

AMD 2500XP
1.5gb ram
9800pro 128mb

just updated all the drivers.

left at stockspeeds at the moment but the 9800pro goes up to XT speeds easily. havent bothered to check if I can flash it to a XT which I might do in the future.

the CPU is running at the stock 1.8ghz but can go up to 2ghz-ish without any serious tweaking.

so far it seems to work alright but struggles on some gams when i want all the nice graphical glory.
thanks for the tips. no eye candy, sigh, i learnt to live with that as i never could afford to play games with the ful she-bangs unless its a 3+ year old game. :rolleyes:

yes the CPU can go up to 200FSB but its not very stable if i recall, i never did mess around with the settings to get the best multiplier and FSB combination.

I got some very good ram unfortunately the 512 x 2 of OCZ gold can get very good timings but the additional 512 corsair stick isnt so good. plus i am not so familiar with the whole OC-ing thing, never invested the time to get into it.

would i see much gains if i flashed the 9800pro to an XT, i think you get more pipelines?

probably be upgrading in a few months when i saved enough dosh, prices of CPUs looks like going down fast. the core 2 dou looks interesting since i like to multitask as well. quite like to get onto the PCI-E bandwagon to get a better gpu.
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