Rails IDE in Windows

26 Jun 2009

I like to develop in W7, I hate developing in Ubuntu because I don't like the way screen fonts are rendered. I want a Rails IDE I can connect to my server (running Ubuntu server) for Rails development.

A local copy of all my files would be best too, they can go in my Dropbox for a constant backup.

I like Eclipse, it has worked with Rails in the past it would seem, but doesn't any more?

I likes the look of Rubymine. Looks perfect in fact. Cheers. :)

Now just to work out the best way of connecting to the files on my server...
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That's a possibility, but I'd rather edit the files directly on the server for now. (Just trying to learn Rails, git can come later).
git is a very useful thing to use. If you balls up a rails generation or migration rolling back to your previous commit is great. It also means you can sync files across lots of computers easily, they'll all have a copy of the files and git even tries to merge conflicting files if you have lots of people developing your app.

Alternatives.. You said you use Dropbox, use that as your working directory and you'll have the files on whatever PC has access to that folder.
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