Rainbow 6 Siege or Farcry 5?

29 Jul 2013
What do you think I should buy if its one or the other?

Can't seem to find a casual game to play in my free time when I'm not sweating it out trying to keep top 100 EU on Fortnite Squads.

PB'd Battefield 1 as i thought this was gonna be the chiller but meh couldn't get into the WW1 style.

New COD is just, well yeah.

I feel like maybe it should be the new Final Fantasy but it seems that would take a lot of time up and I dunno if my hard drive has 100GB free! lol.
Rainbow six siege is class but one of the most sweaty try hard games I've ever played people take ranked very serious.
Two different games entirely but FC5 will surely be more relaxed than R6 Siege if you're after something a bit more laid back.
Depends if you want a single or multi player experience, With what Ubisoft have just done to Siege however I'd be keeping my money and not buying either.
I've got quite into Wildlands for just chilling....just go do random missions, hunt for gear. Even playing solo it's decent laid back fun planning your approach to getting into an objective. Probably get it cheap now too.
I've got quite into Wildlands for just chilling....just go do random missions, hunt for gear. Even playing solo it's decent laid back fun planning your approach to getting into an objective. Probably get it cheap now too.

Yeah I got it from PB but feel like i need 3 friends to play with or its just boring.
Six Siege is a decent game with a horrible cancerous player base that think that gaming makes the world go round and that they are at the centre of it.
Six Siege is a decent game with a horrible cancerous player base that think that gaming makes the world go round and that they are at the centre of it.

I've been playing R6S for about a year and I totally disagree. There are a few numpties but on the most part people are pretty laid back. They've just implemented a "report toxic behaviour" function which seems to be working (there was a banwave yesterday for toxic behaviour"
I've been playing R6S for about a year and I totally disagree. There are a few numpties but on the most part people are pretty laid back. They've just implemented a "report toxic behaviour" function which seems to be working (there was a banwave yesterday for toxic behaviour"

The fact that they have had to implement such a system tells you everything you need to know.
It doesn't really - pretty much every online FPS I've ever played has a minority of toxic players, along with a way to ban / moderate them. They've simply improved the efficiency of punishing these players, which should improve the game for everyone else.
I've just seen Far Cry 5 has a building facility for the community to build levels, worlds etc, should hopefully add a bit of longevity outside the game story.
If you haven't played FC3 or 4, 5 is definitely worth it for the SP experience. Siege is a modern ish, more complex Counter Strike, a completely different genre.
Six Siege is a decent game with a horrible cancerous player base that think that gaming makes the world go round and that they are at the centre of it.
100% agreed. It's a perfectly good fun game assuming you have enough mates to fill all the squad positions. Play it with randoms and it's on a par with csgo for toxicity.
I don’t find Siege to be too bad in casual mode anyway. If you are new to the game you will get a few sharp comments when you make a mistake but it’s really not too toxic.

I find rocket league to be far worse.
I bought RS Siege on Friday and i have to say im thoroughly enjoying it. It didnt appeal to me at all 6-12 months ago but im finding myself wanting to play it a lot.

I haven't found the community to be much worse than most games even though im a complete noob. Saying that ive had a few games where ive finished top and done some nice plays to win the match and felt like a god. Then ive done utterly retarded things and felt like a right twit.
Both are good games, so why not both? r6 for the most part is good, i've not encountered too many morons that try to ruin game experiences - but I can't say I've played it that much to comment on the community as a whole. Quite a few mates play it a lot, always speak highly of the game.

I do like the route ubi have taken with r6, it could have died a month after release but credit where it's due!

If you liked the other FC's, then i'm sure fc5 will be a blast!
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