RAM choice help

5 Nov 2014
Hi all

Im hoping you can help me decide on a RAM kit for my build. Im upgrading from an i5 4560 ddr3 build. This is my first rebuild since building that pc, might be useful context that i dont like to rebuild frequently. Jse case is gaming, in particular VR

Ive decided on

Ryzen 5600x
B550 gaming edge wifi ATX

What RAM kits would you recommend, my budget is less than £100 as the mobo is a bit pricier than id have liked.

Couple of questions

I watched a gamer nexus video (completely confused me) that suggeted having 4 sticks could be better than 2 in somes games (8% fos boost). Have i understood that right? That gives me a potential upgrade path (Buy 16gb now and another 16gb later)

Ive seen some sticks advertised as ryzen optimized, is this just a marketing gimmik?

Speed wise ive seen suggested 3200 is the sweet spot for price performance, agree?

Are there sticks that come at 3200 out the box or do they all require to be played with in bios settings?

Thanks in advance

The Vipers will not work on that motherboard, been there done that, so don't waste your time with them. The Crucial I have never tested them but they are not on the QVL too.

Also check the QVL and make sure any RAM you buy is on there with that board or you will have a lot of problems. https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/MPG-B550-GAMING-EDGE-WIFI#support-mem-21 .

Vengeance LPX Black 16GB (2x8GB) 3600 MHz AMD Ryzen Tuned DDR4 Memory Dual Kit £79.99


^... CMK16GX4M2Z3600C18 on the QVL and will 100% work with zero headaches at XMP 3600Mhz on that board.

Looking at my intended mobo msi b55p gaming edge wifi. It looks like it goes to 3200mhz and if i want higher i.e. the 3600 that would be in a xmp oc mode (taken from their site)
Does that mean plugging the memory in you propose will default to 3200, is the process simple to get it running higher?
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